I said to my students I will say thank you for today, and I want to devote my blog today for you.
I always say this that teaching is not my profession it is my mother's. She chose this for me. I don't have other choice but to resist but then later on I have to obey. For sometime now I realized that this is really not my field, I often pray to God please put me where my heart really is. Though no matter how I prayed I am still in this profession. Sure my students find me very strict, I know. Albeit, I could say I taught them lessons in life that they could only learn outside the classroom. I taught them with my heart in it. Maybe God is answering my prayer already because as I recall my prayer is put me where my heart is.
I am very tired but I have to do this to say my gratitude to them. I had a very wonderful day today I taught them lessons in life and in return they taught me many lessons too. Yesterday I was very skeptical about celebrations I wrote yesterday in my blog but today I am still not into celebrations, though I had a very very tiring but a very wonderful day.
I would like to quote something that I read from the book entitled Death: The Final Stage of Growth by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. She says:
What is important is to realize that whether we understand fully who we are or what will happen when we die, it's our purpose to grow as human beings, to look within ourselves,to find and build upon the source of peace and understanding and strength that is our individual self, And to reach out to others with love and acceptance and patient guidance in the hope of what we may become together.
I can't do this alone. It takes two to see one. Four see one even clearer. My students taught me to see the answer of God to my prayer, that He answered longtime ago. I just thank God to blogging that HE gave me this as an instrument to do and to explore my interest so that I would know where my heart really is.
Truly teaching is a noble profession I just don't deserved to be a teacher that's why I still have to find my place where my heart really is, nevertheless I will still teach these children. Teach them lessons in life but with my heart in it.
Thanks again.